On March 7-10 this year twelve Greater Poland companies presented their offer at the regional stand of the Wielkopolska Province during the food industry fair FOODEX JAPAN, held in Tokyo: Celiko S.A., Celiko Sp. z o.o., Follow Sp. z o.o., HerbsLand Sp. z o.o., Fabryka Maszyn Spożywczych “SPOMASZ” Pleszew S.A., FCH MIPAMEX Magdalena Szafarz, MicroFood S.A., Międzychód Nowicka Sp. J., PPH EWA S.A., Wielkopolskie Zakłady Mięsne AGRICO Sp. z o.o., “SPA” Sp. z o.o. and Polish Gold Marek Wolniak
Foodex Japan is the only food-related trade fair in the Asia-Pacific region, during which exhibitors have the opportunity to directly contact representatives of the largest Japanese food and drink companies. This year over 3,200 exhibitors from all over the world took part in them and visited over 82,000.00 visitors.
Japan is the second largest economy in the world, has one of the highest purchasing power. It is one of the most import-dependent markets, currently 60% of food supplies worth USD 44 billion. It is an attractive and determined market for international retail suppliers, catering services and food producers.
The Wielkopolska stand attracted a lot of interest, and the exhibitors met representatives of the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion in Tokyo, who organized a meeting for participants about the Japanese market and told about the requirements of the local specific recipient.
Participation in the fair was carried out as part of the “Gospodarna Wielkopolska” non-competition project co-financed by the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, Measure 1.4: Internationalization of the regional economy, Sub-measure 1.4.2: Economic promotion of the region
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